
Gastvorträge von Frau Dr. Aydin Halisoğlu zu Identität und Migration

Im November wird Frau Dr. Aydin Halisoğlu drei Gastvorträge im Rahmen ihres Besuchs am Institut für Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften halten.

Die Vorträge werden in englischer Sprache gehalten. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

15.11., 9.15-10.45, R 324 (Ulmenstraße 69/ Haus 1)
Political Identity of Turkey in Europe
This lecture discusses Turkey's European identity on a political and cultural manner. In terms of the ruling and opposition parties in Turkey, the interpretation of European identity will be presented in a historical perspective. This lecture will also consider the reflection of identity identification in political axis and will determine how European Union-Turkey relations are affected during identity search.

15.11., 15.15-16.45, R 134 (Ulmenstraße 69/ Haus 1)
Germany as a Model: Migration Experience in Turkey and the Role of the Turkish Diaspora in Germany
The process that started with the Syrian civil war has reshaped Turkey's migration policy and pushed it to seek a new model. Within the scope of this course, Germany, which has a long history of migration, will be discussed as a model in migration management, and the capacity of the Turkish diaspora in Germany to influence migration policy will be evaluated.

17.11., 13.15 – 14.45, R 134 (Ulmenstraße 69/ Haus 1)
Global Migration and hybrid democracies: Turkey as an example
Within the scope of this lecture, the main features of hybrid democracies will be defined and how international migration traffic shapes migration policies in these countries will be discussed in the sample of Turkey.

Informationen zu Frau Dr. Aydin Halisoğlu

Dr. Aydin Halisoğlu is Assistant Professor at Tarsus University in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration. Her researches mainly focus on the European Union-Turkey relations, international migration, irregular migration, citizenship, nationalism, populism, and security. She is the founder of the informal youth group for EU-funded youth projects.

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