The Focus of Research at the Department of Political- and Public Administrational Sciences (IPV)
The focus of of research at the Department of Political- and Public Administrational Sciences arise from the topics of the different Chairs and the Academic Office. You will find a detailed description of each Chair and the Academic Office, depending to thier focus of research.
Chair for International Politics and Development Cooperation
The chair is concerned with the international relations and politics of Asian states, with a focus on China, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Further with the development and current political situations of the successor states of the former Soviet Union, with a particular interest in the Ukraine and Central-Asia. Special interest is on the European Integration, EU-Foreign Relations, Regionalism, and Development Cooperation.
Additional information can be found on the website of the chair.
Chair for Political Theory and History of Political Ideas
Keine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Realität kommt ohne Theorie aus. In der Politikwissenschaft bilden verallgemeinerbare, überprüfbare Aussagen über die politische Wirklichkeit, über Institutionen und Akteure, über Prozesse, Praktiken und Diskurse, die notwendige Voraussetzung sowie zugleich das Ziel der Forschung. Die Disziplin der Politischen Theorie und Ideengeschichte widmet sich erstens der kritischen Diskussion sowie der (Weiter-)Entwicklung von Theorien, die politische Phänomene erfassen, ordnen und erklären. Zweitens reflektiert sie politische Grundbegriffe wie Macht, Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit oder Legitimität. Drittens schließlich verwaltet sie das „Archiv“ der politischen Ideen und ihrer historischen Entwicklung seit der Antike.
Am Lehrstuhl in Rostock wird schwerpunktmäßig zu folgenden Fragen geforscht und gelehrt:
Wie gehen hochmoderne Gesellschaften mit der wachsenden Pluralisierung von Interessen, Lebensstilen und Kulturen um? Was hält diese Gesellschaften zusammen?
Wie gestaltet sich das öffentliche, politische Leben in diesen Gesellschaften zwischen Individualisierung, Säkularisierung und traditionellen sowie neuen Formen von Religiösität?
Welche Rolle spielen neben materialen Faktoren auch Vorstellungen, Bilder und Ideen in der Politik? Wie funktionieren und was bewirken etwa Ideologien, politische Mythen oder Utopien?
Wie hat sich die Situation von Frauen im Zuge der Wende von 1989/90 verändert? Welche Besonderheiten weist Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in dieser Hinsicht auf?
Weitere Informationen zu den Forschungsthemen finden Sie hier und auf der Seite des Lehrstuhls.
Chair of Comparative Politics
The sub-discipline of political sciences, comparative politics, concentrates on the analysis and the comparison of political systems. It also consecrates itself with political institutions and of course different governance structures that implement the decision-making process. To the main object of investigation of the sub-discipline belong more or less the different governance systems in the world (for your studies are most important: Germany, USA, Great Britain, France, and Russia) and the political parties, party systems, election systems, electoral behavior, political control, political management and political culture.
At the Chair of Comparative Politics, you will find three main areas of research:
1. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Baltic Sea Region
One of the main tasks of the chair of comparative government and politics is to scientifically accompany the politics of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This includes the continuous research into elections and parties, right wing radicalism, analysis of political culture as well as the the role of the federal state in the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany and as a European region in the Baltic. Furthermore the chair contributes at the Department of Maritime Systems. The special situation in eastern Germany taken into consideration, this focus scientifically contributes to the political education in the state. (Quod vide Workgroup Politics and Elections in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)
2. Politics and transformation process in Latin America
Considering Latin American examples, the way, in which democratic political systems after the transition from authoritarian forms of government can be consolidated and the role of political parties, social movements and corporate actors play in this process, is analyzed. "Politics in Latin America" is offered in teaching and research. In 2016, a Ph.D students programm will start in cooporation with the University of La Plata (Argentina).
3. Cultural contact, scientific discourse, migration
The focus of research is associated with the graduate course of lectures "Cultural Encounters and the Discourses of Scholarship" at the University of Rostock, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Association). This affiliates to earlier analysis of scientific relations between Germany and Latin America as well as newer works on migration.
To get more information, please visit the webpage of the Chair of Comparative Politics.
Academic Office for political Education / Didactics of Social Studies
The focus of research at the Academic Office can be defined into three main areas:
- Prevention of right-wing extremism
- Prevention of right-wing extremism and political Education
- Right-wing extremism and nature conservation
For more information please visit the web page of the Academic Office.